Private Medical Records

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Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 
Current Percentage Funded: 
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Project description: 

There are circumstances where Medical Records (notes, attachments and other entries) should not be shared with customers or external parties (referring clinicians etc) via printed or mailed Medical Records or API calls.


In order to support this it is suggested that the following changes are made.

  • All the current Medical Record entry types have a Private flag added which is defaulted by entry type.
  • The Medical Records template ( Print, Mail etc) be modified to not show entries that have this flag ticked.
  • The Mail -> Attach dialog to only show non private documents (attachments, images, letters, investigations etc) for selection with an option to also show private ones in the filter (for specific recipents such as referral practices).

It is suggested that the default value for this flag should be as follows:

Attachment True
Form True
Letter False
Investigation False
Medication False
Note True 
Problem False
Weight False
Addendum True

Obviously during data entry the flag can be updated by the user.

Any specific API calls that extract this data should take into account this flag or give call options as to whether the call should include private medical records.  

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