Product Batch Management

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Development Project Status: Completed

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This project will add support for tracking product batches.

Product batches are used to identify the:

  • batch number
  • expiry date
  • manufacturer

of a product.

This will enable charge items and patient medication to be linked to a particular batch of a product.

This can be used to:

  • auto-fill the expiration date of medication, based on the batch of a product at the current stock location
  • record the rabies vaccination details given to a patient
  • determine who has been sold a particular product batch being recalled
  • report on stock about to expire


A Product Batch has:

  • a batch number (optional)
  • an expiry date   (optional)
  • a manufacturer (optional)
  • a link to the product
  • a link to the stock location where the batch resides

It can be created:

  • in a new screen, Products|Batches
  • by finalising a delivery


Delivery items will need the 3 new fields to support product batch creation

  • a batch number
  • an expiry date
  • a manufacturer

Each will be optional.

If a delivery item has a batch number or expiry date, a Product Batch for the item will be created when the delivery item is finalised.

ESCI will need to be extended to support these fields.

Charging and Dispensing

Charge items and medications will have a new optional dropdown field, "Product Batch" that indicates the batch of a product.

When a product is selected the list of available batches for the product at the stock location will be displayed, ordered on ascending expiry date.

The batch expiring soonest will be selected by default.

If there are no batches available, the Product Batch field will display "None".

When a medication product is being charged, the selected Product Batch will be copied to the dispensing act.

When dispensing, the selection of a Product Batch will:

  • set the Expiry Date to that of the batch
  • make the Expiry Date field read-only

Batch Managment

A new screen, Product|Batches will be developed to manage batches. This will:

  • list available batches for the current stock location
  • provide filters on:
    • product name
    • batch number
    • expiry date

By default, only batches that haven't expired will be displayed.

Batch Expiration

Batches whose expiry date has passed will be automatically expired, and will no longer appear for selection in new charges or dispensing acts.

Where a charge item or dispensing act being edited is dated in the past, batches not expired at that date will be available for selection.

This helps cover the case where a rabies shot was incorrectly recorded initially, but the correct batch used has subsequently expired for example.

Stock Control

Product Batches won't directly be linked to stock control.

After transferring stock, Product Batches need to be manually updated to indicate which Batches were included in the transfer by changing their Stock Locations.




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