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Report logos
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Submitted by tanderson on Mon, 06/01/2014 - 11:36
Development Project Status: Under Discussion
Due date for completion of this stage:
06/01/2014 Currently reports access practice logos via hard-coded paths stored on the server.
This project will:
- allow logos to be stored in the database
- allow logos to be linked to the Practice or Practice Location
- provide functions to retrieve the logo for the Practice or Practice Location, for use within Jasper Report templates and OpenOffice/Word templates
- allow multiple logos to be stored, and referred to by name (e.g. "small", "banner", "large")
- fall back to a default Practice logo, if a Practice Location doesn't specify one
Sample report functions:
- logo:get("banner") - returns the banner logo for the practice
- logo:get("customer.entity.practice.target", "large") - returns the "large" logo for the customer's default practice location, falling back to the practice "large" logo, if the customer doesn't have a default practice location