Time-based product templates
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Development Project Status: Under Discussion
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Time-based product templates will allow different products to be charged based on time-of day.
This can be used to improve charging accuracy. E.g. an Admission template might have two service products:
- Night Admission - 17:30 - 7:30
- Day Admission - 7:30 - 17:30
If charged at:
- 9am, the Day Admission charge would be added to the invoice.
- 6pm, the Night Admission charge would be added.
A Time Range will be added to the Product Template Includes to determine when a product is included.
- Time Range: 9:00 - 17:00 - applies between 9am and 5pm
- Time Range: 17:00 - 9:00 - applies between 5pm and 9am
If the Time Range is unset, the product is always included (subject to any patient weight criteria).
If a time-based template is expanded on an Estimate, it will reflect the time that the template was expanded. When the estimate is subsequently invoiced, the expanded items will be charged. So if a template X includes:
- Product A - 9:00 - 17:00
- Product B - 17:00 - 9:00
Expanded template X on an estimate at 10am will generate a line item containing Product A.
If this estimate is subsequently invoiced at 6pm, Product A will be invoiced, not Product B.
This project will not support date range or calendar inclusion.