[Customer Module] estimations: updating high & low px as you enter them

In estimations, currently the high & low price calcs are done when you either apply or add a new item. Can they be done on the fly so you can see immediately?

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further question re estimations

Can you have the "low qty" field active as soon as you have selected the item type? Still able to use "Shift - tab" to go back to the earlier items if you want to change them. If you can make it active, have it so that the 1.0 is highlighted for immediate typeover if required.

And more re estimations

for the sake of neatness (& avoiding confusion if the clt receives an estimation printout,) could you have the "high qty" automatically mirror the "low qty" figure when entered, but obviously still be able to be overwritten? ie the high qty should never be lower, but this would take away the reqt to enter it again.
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