[Customer Module] Some questions-wishes-suggestions re entering data
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/12/2007 - 14:49
1. Is it possible to have new customer window open to its fullest extent without having to drag corners?
2. Why not have default opening with '+' additions already opened and ready to work on?
3. In contacts tab, address entry is very small font ...
4. Is it possible to have a list of common (or in fact all suburbs) listed in a drop down type list? eg type mit .. brings up Mittagong, or hit down arrow brings up list of suburbs. This would eliminate the inevitable typo errors.
5. Could postcode be linked automatically with suburb? otherwise dropdown list?
6. Could we have more options for phone contacts under purposes list? (where is this changed?)
7. When in patient add, (whilst in client screen), is it possible to have drop down menu for colours available (also avoids getting lots of colour spelling mixed up)
8. Possibility of adding microchip and weight in this sequence of screens as well.
9. Back in customer information... in categories tab - how is this populated?? and with what suggestions?? eg no credit, slow payer, platinum client, should wear deodorant, ask kids to stay at home etc etc..
10. Capitalization automatic for surname, christian name etc
11. Where is distance/milage added?
12. Perhaps it's only me but client/patient sounds better than customer/patient(pet).
Lots of questions/wish lists .... but have been a bit spoilt with rxw..s