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Till Balance with credit card summary
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 06/09/2015 - 11:14
1.8+ This Till Balance report:
- includes a credit card summary at the end
- is independent of the display names of archetypes (ie if you change the name of the act.customerAccountPaymentEFT from EFT to 'TEF' (for the French transfert électronique de fonds) things will still work
- refunds are included with the payment items of the same type
- reversal information is shown
- transaction IDs are shown
- changes the sort order from userName/transactionType/timestamp to type/cardName/timestamp
Layout is A4; US/Canadian users will want to change the date/time pattern from dd/MM HH:mm to MM/dd HH:mm
Updated 8Sep2015 to clarify the totals on the summary page as follows:
Re: Till Balance with credit card summary
Tim, I loaded this into our 1.9 snapshot and it is returning a blank document. Is there any way to confirm it isn't user error and that the report needs a tweak?
Thanks, Alan
Re: Till Balance with credit card summary
Alan - I am reasonably confident that the report itself is OK. Indeed had you installed all the reports in the 1.9 package, you should have got the 'with credit card summary' version of the Till Balance report. [See 1st bullet point of http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.9/new-features/implementatio... ]
When you say 'loaded into', you did use Administration|Templates|Document Templates to edit the 'Till Balance' template and replace the content by clicking the Upload button. You could either load the file you downloaded, or that from <OPENVPMS-HOME>reports\Reporting\Till Balancing\A4
I can duplicate your "blank report" behaviour - but only by pressing the Print button on Reporting|Till Balancing when the selected Til Balance contains no items.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Till Balance with credit card summary
Yes, it was user error. I was doing exactly what you described thinking it would/should react the same was as following the Till Balancing path. Once I started working on a different project this morning I realized my mistake.
Thanks for following up.