1.7 A5444 Pricing export/import help hooks

I have started on updating the CSH text for the pricing export/import facility. In 5444 pressing Alt-F1 gets you to the Product Info CSH page rather than specific export/import CSH pages.  I think that the status is as follows:

Screen url remarks
Export Prices product/priceExport required
Import/upoad product/information no specific CSH page (which is our standard ie ALt-F1 on the template upload window gets to the template view/edit CSH page)
Import Prices product/priceImport required
import error windows none no CSH page needed

For the two 'required' ones, I have built the CSH text assuming the two urls given above, and I have added http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/concepts/pricingUpdates to the concepts section.

Tim A - I looked in message.properties for the set of possible errrors to be shown in the Import Prices screen. I cannot see complete messages so I assume you are constructing them from parts. Is it possible to give me a list - or are they all obvious and have obvious causes?

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Re: 1.7 A5444 Pricing export/import help hooks

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