1.7 Alpha Email debugging not working

As part of the SMS gateway debugging, I wanted to turn on email debugging. From http://www.openvpms.org/forum/openvpms-163-beta-snapshot#comment-5095 I got the recipe.

I pout this in the CSH and adjusted it for the 1.7 changes - see http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/reference/setup/email

However, nothing appears in the logs.

What am I doing wrong?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha Email debugging not working

If you are using a secure connection, then you use the "mail.smtps.debug" property. The output should go to the console.

Not that the JavaMail FAQ doesn't mention mail.smtps.debug, although I'm pretty sure I've used it successfully in the past. It suggests using mail.debug.


Re: 1.7 Alpha Email debugging not working

No - its non-secure. I looked in the various Tomcat logs.  Nothing.  However, since my problem is solved (I have the OneWaySMS gateway running happily), I don't need to persue this at the moment.

Incidently, why is the SMS gateway defined at the practice level?  In our case (where the practiceLocations are in part, separate businesses) it would have been nice to use separate gateways for the EIAH, CC and AEC arms. However, its not a show stopper - I have set the ID on the message to CC-EIAH-AEC and the macros used to generate the messages use $location.name - eg

concat($patient.name,' ',$customer.lastName,' is now due. Pls call ',party:getTelephone($location),' for an appointment. Thanks ',$location.name) 

[Here the convention is to refer to patients including their owner's surname, eg Cranky Gething]

Regards, Tim G

Re: 1.7 Alpha Email debugging not working

I didnt think the sms macro project made it for 1.7?

Re: 1.7 Alpha Email debugging not working

Ben - one can certainly use macros to generate the text in the SMS message.  Works like a train - select customer and patient, then hit the SMS button in the left panel, and in the text enter rg6 smsr and press enter and you get (assuming the macros have been set up)
Reminder: G6 Vaccination - Muffet is now due. Pls call 9123 4567 for an appointment. Thanks Pets-R-Us

[see http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/customer/sms ]

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