1.7 Alpha - Lookup Replacement operation

When I did the CSH page for the lookup replacement screen - see http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/admin/lookup/replace I looked at the replace screen and thought - neat - you can replace a lookup with None and thus remove it - and I wrote:

"If you do not choose a replacement (ie you leave it set as 'None' as shown above) then any usages of the selected lookup (Procedures in the above example) will be deleted. For the above case, this would mean that any products set as having the classification 'Procedures' would have this classification deleted."

However, when I later tried this, it does not work - if you leave the selection at None and press the OK button, nothing happens.

Is this a bug (ie you should be able to replace a lookup with none) or is it working as intended and I should change the CSH page to say 'you must choose a replacement - if you leave it as None and press the OK button, nothing will happen'.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - Lookup Replacement operation

In 1.6, I think it selects the first available lookup if none is selected. But whatever the behaviour, the OK button should be disabled until a replacement lookup is selected.

Raised as https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1314

-Tim A




Re: 1.7 Alpha - Lookup Replacement operation

Thanks Tim - I have adjusted the CSH page.  Regards, Tim G

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