1.7 Alpha - Message Print fails - no template

If you try to print a message using the Print button on the Workflow|Messaging screen, then print, preview, and mail will all fail saying that there is no Message template.

If there isn't one lying around, yell and I will knock one up.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - Message Print fails - no template

There's no template. In an early version of OpenVPMS, there was support to generate dynamic Jasper Reports to handle missing templates, but the quality of the reports were pretty ordinary, so I removed it. Never got round to developing the actual templates though, and you're the first to point it out :)


Re: 1.7 Alpha - Message Print fails - no template

Have built the report and sent it and a sample to you via direct email.  Regards, Tim G

Re: 1.7 Alpha - Message Print fails - no template

Thanks very much. I've added this in revision 5185.

-Tim A

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