Adding additional tests to an existing investigation (External lab)
Hi all,
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for the following scenario;
a) Investigation for external lab is raised through a test.
b) Results come back, investigations list update automatically. Then an additional test is required. The clinician bills the new test.
c) Becuase no new sample is submitted, the lab raises the new test under the prior investigation ID.
d) The new results come back under the original investigation, reappearing on the investigation list (all desired behaviour).
Our issue is;
The add on test/investigation will stay on the list unless it is cancelled. If it is cancelled at the time of the request, the Investigations list will not show the add on test as pending (an important part of quality control/follow up for lab reporting).
Is there something we should be doing differently with add on tests?
Re: Adding additional tests to an existing investigation ...
The new test will generate a second investigation, which will be sent to the external lab.
The fact that they attach results to the first investigation is a feature of your lab.
You could leave the second investigation with Sent status until the results for the first investigation come back.
You should then be able to cancel the second investigation using Workflow - Investigations - Cancel Investigation. This retains the subsequent charge.
Re: Adding additional tests to an existing investigation ...
Thanks Tim,
Our lab doesn't receive the request electronically - that is probably the crux of the issue.
Might need to investigate why.