Administration Users


Sorry two questions:

1. What are the differences between the "Nurse", "Clinician" and "Receptionist"

and what can that user access exactly?

2. Is there a way too block certain staff from being able to access "Reports" but

keeping their name on the "Clinician Sales Report"?




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Administration Users

Hi Cheryl,

The only categories that are actually used are Clinician and Administrator.  Clinician means that user is selectable as a clinician throughout the application.  Administrator means they have access to the Administration menu and can edit products.

You can block staff on a report by report basis.  In each report template there is a User Level between 0-9.  Each user also has a user level 0-9 if a report has a user level less than or equal to th ecurrent logged in users level it will be visible in Reporting -> Reports.  Otherwsie it will not appear and then cannot be run.

i.e if Clinician Sales report template set to level 5 and user has a level of 3 will not be visible but if user has level 5 and above will be visible.

Hope this helps.





Great, thanks Tony.

Great, thanks Tony.

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