Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

I am currently working on a private patch due to its specific nature that integrates the export requirements when sending pets overseas.

My plan is to implement a new medical act .  My first question can I subclass it from clicinical events to allow it to sort of inherit  patientclinicalevent properties.


 it will additionally have relationships with

1. contact.location - destination address

2. contact.location - origin address - 


3. java.Timestamp - Date of Export

4. java.String - Exporter (if not the customer)  I thought about a act relationship back to a customer here but it may mean adding a lot of usless records as they end up overseas.

If I did subclass can I make the 

 * Patient clinical event act short name.
public static final String CLINICAL_EVENT = "act.patientClinicalEvent";

and then remodel the 

patienttable contstructor to accept the wildcard.

Alternatively am I better constructing the event more like a patient problem it that it can contain any number of visits notes and documents.


I am happy to offer this back to core - but it is quite specialized and may add clutter to the patient layour for a  non export practice.

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Re: Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

The only things that have can contacts are parties and users, so you can't link a contact to an act.

You could:

  • add address nodes to the act
  • extend party.patientpet to include contacts denoting the origin and destination addresses. You could use multiple contact.location instances, and classify which is the origin and which is the destination, or create a contact.locationExport to denote the export address.

You probably don't want to try and copy act.patientClinicalEvent, as it cannot be substituted. You could:

  • add your export nodes to act.patientClinicalEvent
  • create an act.patientExport act containing the nodes.  This would be referenced by actRelationship.patientClinicalEventItem



Re: Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

Ok, I havent sat down with the code so that gets me started...

The reason I didnt want to create a eventitem was that multiple documents will exist per export  would need to refer to the details of the item and unless they are a node on the act referring to the node details will need new rules, but then that would probably have been required anyway.



OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

Ok, I havent sat down with the code so that gets me started...

The reason I didnt want to create a eventitem was that multiple documents will exist per export  would need to refer to the details of the item and unless they are a node on the act referring to the node details will need new rules, but then that would probably have been required anyway.



OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

With regard to jxpath expressions in documents

Using the current rules available is it possible to drill up from a document to the visit then check for the existence of a actrelationship to a act.PatientExport (for example) and then drill into its values?

I note the existence of getWeightAct so I assume I could use a similar method to create getExportAct ?


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

You would need to add extension functions to support this.

An alternative would be to link the documents directly to the export act. You would still need an extension function to locate the export act from the document, but it may make more sense from an editing point of view.

Re: Advice regarding an Archetype framework for exports

Some exports can have up to 4 or 5 documents linked - which in the current display tems would then require a few screen clicks to get them all displayed - I think I will stick with creating a patientRule to drill into the most recent export and extract the info I need.


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au
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