Appointment Notes Automatically come across to Medical Notes


We are wondering if anyone would find it beneficial for the appointment notes to come over to the medical record. I guess a new Note would need to be automatically generated on Check in. Maybe it could have a reason - Appointment Notes and notes could be attached. Under this more Visit notes could then be added.



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Re: Appointment Notes Automatically come across to Medical Notes

Hi Bernia,

This is a belated response to your question about if anyone would find it beneficial for the appointment notes to come over to the medical record.

I remember a similiar feature in netvet when patients were admitted to hospital.

The functionality would attach the note to the visit created as part of the checkin process.


At the moment this wouldn't be a huge benefit to us. How do you see it working ion your practice Bernie?

If others are interested I can certainly set up a user project.


Matt C

Re: Appointment Notes Automatically come across to Medical Notes

This is something that we would definately appreciate. Especially if it automatically put the reason and notes in the history on check in. Handy for baths or grooming animals that aren't seeing a vet. I liked that feature of netvet. Also would be handy to have it merge on cage cards like netvet did.

Re: Appointment Notes Automatically come across to Medical Notes

Thanks Nickee,

So add the ability to have the appointment reason and note available to a patient form (cage card)? This might be tricky becuase how will it know which appointment to use?

I can include as an option when sending the project to the developers though.


Matt C

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