Automating Report Macro loading

I would like to automate the loading of a report macro so that it can be built automatically as part of the RxWorks to OPV conversion.

Macros are easy - just use dataload. However, Report Macros need to be linked to their document template and are thus more complicated.

I can use templateload to load the document templates. I can then use a Kettle step to extract information about the templates, and I can then in theory use another Kettle step to build the report macro.

However, the 'report' node of lookup.macroReport contains a massive xml expression as follows:


where the id (334) is the entity_id and the linkId of the template in the acts file (which I can use some SQL in a Kettle step to get).

Q1 - is this the way to do it ?

Q2 - am I correct in thinking that the line feeds in the xml expression are just white space and I can use a big long string like '<><archetypeId><entityName><....'

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Automating Report Macro loading

Its probably the best way to do it at present.

You can generate the XML without whitespace and it will be parsed correctly.


-Tim A

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