Background image in iReport

Message from Damien Solley

Hi guys,
I've added a logo image to our invoices. However, I can't seem to find
the correct directory to place the file (logo.jpg) on our OpenVPMS
server to make it print in the invoice.
The server is Ubuntu linux, standard Java and Tomcat6 install
(openvpms.war is in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps). I'm guessing logo.jpg
needs to be copied into webapps sub-directory, but no luck yet.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: Background image in iReport

Hi Damien,

If you place the logo file anywhere on the linux server and reference it in iReport via its absolute path name then it should work. i.e in image expression "/home/openvpms/logo.jpg"

On windows servers you need to escape the path i.e "f:\\openvpms\\logo.jpg"



Re: Background image in iReport

Hi Damien,

I haven't used a background image before just an image inserted in the header (title or page header) acting as a logo.  The later works with the approach I mentioned.



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