Bank Deposit Report


I wondered if anyone else that is using the newest version has noticed an error in the Bank Deposit Report.

It seems that if we have done a cash reversal thru the pre Deposit period that the report is unable to take this into account when it reports the totals for cash when the Bank Deposit Report is run.

The Till Balance Report for the day the reversal has been done is correct but not rounded for cash. It is the actual total of the transactions remaining ie ends in 3c.

Any Thoughts?



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Re: Bank Deposit Report

Yes Bernie, I noticed the error as well with the new Bank Deposit Report. It's definitely affecting the total cash amount if there is any cash transaction reversal within the period. I've reported this to Tony and emailed him with the details. He said he'll be looking into it.

The previous post is here:


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: Bank Deposit Report

Thanks Anthony - sorry I missed the end of the last post with your notes on it. Thankfully we rarely need to do reversals so had only noticed in the past couple of weeks.

Nice to know you are not alone when wierdo things happen! :)


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