BUG + IMPROVEMENT: Investigations workspace

When an investigation recieves a new report via the docloader its status is updated to recieved. 

The default view here however is IN PROGRESS...I would argue that most vets arent worried about the ones yet to arrive they want to deal with the ones that have been recieved.

I would also suggest that a series of "buttons" be added to the base of the workflow so vets can quickly update the status of a report without having to go into the animals summary.

The ability to "COMPLETE", mark as preliminary or final would be helpful from this workspace.  And with some sort of confirmation box delete the investigation as well.

It is also possible somehow that a investigation can become "unlinked" from a patients summary...WE have one that there is a report for and an investigation in the workspace...but the patient summary doesnt have it represented. 

Unfortunately with no way of deleting the investigation as a duplicate we cannot clear it from the workspace.

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Re: BUG + IMPROVEMENT: Investigations workspace

If you create the Investigation via the Patient -> Medical Records -> Documents tab, it will not be linked to any Visit and therefore not appear in the Summary tab.

You can delete these via the Documents tab.

As for the improvements, start a new thread for this in the users forum.



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