Building Openvpms with Netbeans 8.0

I just switched my dev environ to NB 8.  

Netbeans may not be everyones cup of tea, but version 8 is the first version that just seems to work for me Out of the Box, with NB 7 and eclipse I have found getting a development environment working just right was complicated, particularly with integrating and debugging Tomcat apps.  Often I was getting build errors with both that just didnt make sense and were related to my config.

I recently installed NB 8 and the configurations just work, it now reads POM files properly (it didnt really before - all the goals are listed and can be executed from the navigator.  Its integrated SVN management is much better as well. but does require the local repos updated to work with svn 1.8.  

Maven3 is integrated into the core, but works nicely with maven2, 

I am still having a few issues getting debugging working exactly right, but that is more relating to how to attach properly, and the correct maven properties to apply.  On the whole though, I find the software easier to work in than eclipse.




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Re: Building Openvpms with Netbeans 8.0

Eclipse has a lot of great features, but it can be hard to navigate around. I ditched it and use IntelliJ IDEA instead.

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