Can Alt-F1 open in new tab... please...

Have been reviewing the new reminder process in 2.0 and have been attempting to get information using the Alt-F1 online help screens.  Frustration galore.  As they always have done, the help screens open in a pop-up window with little or no navigation available. Many of the links that appear are dead ends but one can't backtrack once they are encountered. 

The simplest solution would be to have the Alt-F1 help screens open in a new tab.  Internal links (once within the help system) do not open in a new tab now and that is fine.  But at least if Alt-F1 opened in a new tab, navigation keys would be available and when one encounters a "Page not Found" screen, one wouldn't have to start all over. 




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Re: Can Alt-F1 open in new tab... please...

Whether or not it opens up a window or tab is a browser preference.

You should be able to use right-click in the page to bring up a context menu to navigate with.

Alternatively, change the HelpBrowser.features property located in openvpms/WEB-INF/classes/style/ e.g.:

HelpBrowser.features = concat('width=', 0.50 * $width, ',height=', 0.70 * $height, ',resizable=yes,left=', 0.40 * $width,',top=',0.15 * $height,',scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes')

You will need to restart Tomcat to see this change.

Raised as OVPMS-2055


Re: Can Alt-F1 open in new tab... please...

Thanks Tim,

Hmmm... in Linux Firefox at least, it seems to make no difference whether 'Open links in tabs instead of new windows' is checked or not. Alt-F1 from OVPMS always opens in a new window and links clicked from within that window open in the same window.

I did try the right-click option but totally missed the navigation arrows at the top of the menu :z  Anyway, thanks for the nav bar fix.  That should be quite helpful for new (and at least some old) users alike!


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