Cancel, Skip and No

We have a button labelled 'Cancel' on many screens.

In many of them it is the correct label - ie it has the meaning 'discard any unapplied changes and exit'.

However, in other cases we would be better off using Skip or No.

The one that always forces me to think is the receipt printing when doing a payment - I have to think whether I am cancelling the payment or just the print - and if I cancel the print will the payment be cancelled as well.

The Cancel on the print request window would be better labelled with 'Skip' or 'No'. In fact after a quick play, I think that it is only the cancel on the print request screen that needs to be altered - all the other places where cancel is used, it does mean 'abort and get me out of here'.

Unfortunately, the print window would appear to use the standard button.cancel text and thus I cannot tweak it in the file.

Furthermore, if the print window used both its own print.ok and print.cancel entries, then I could set the to put Yes and No buttons on the print window - these two being more logical labels than the current OK & Cancel.

Regards, Tim G


Regards, Tim G

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Re: Cancel, Skip and No

Raise a JIRA and I'll look at it for 1.8.

-Tim A

Re: Cancel, Skip and No

Jira 1428 - created. You will see that this is a longer version and also addresses the New button.

Regards, Tim G

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