Cannot generate estimation preview

Hello, has anyone been having trouble previewing an estimation. In the last five days when we have made an estimation and click on preview a red bannered box comes up with error message...

Failed to create report: Failed to find subreport with name: estimationItemsA5.jrxml

How do i point the right part of openvpms (jasper reports i guess) to the "right subreport"?

any help would be much appreciated



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Re: Cannot generate estimation preview

Hi Harry,

I would check the Estimation Items template in Administration -> templates.  I would suggest the template content has changed so the jasper report for the estimation items sub report is no longer attached.

I have seen this happen when processing incoming electronic document uploads and the document filename is incorrect and updates a template rather than an investigation.



Re: Cannot generate estimation preview

Thanks, will check that and let you know.

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