
Why does OPEN insist on reverting to lower case on products. I find this incredibly frustrating when try to add products, lab tests etc that require capital letters.

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Re: Captitalisation

You can turn this off by removing the propercase assertion on your product archetypes.

See for details.



Re: Captitalisation

If you're trying to add a Product, Service or Address, you can change this on a once-off basis.

Using the Products section as an example:

1. Products | New | Service

In the Name field, type in "IDEXX FBE Test".

Press <Enter>.

Field contents change to "Idexx Fbe Test".

Now change dexx to DEXX and be to BE. Do not add/delete other letters.

Press <Enter>.

Your changes stick.

This technique also works for "Address" and "Suburb" fields: especially useful for "Suburb" as Australia Post mailing specfications demand suburb in upper case in mailouts (I changed my ten or so local subsurbs when I first installed OV).






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