Change to Line Item calculation -

Line items are currently calculated by a derived value of 

math:roundAmount(/fixedAmount - /details/discount + /quantity * /unitAmount)"

would it not be more appropriate to use:

math:roundAmount(number(boolean(/quantity))*/fixedAmount - /details/discount + /quantity * /unitAmount)

my xpath makes any value greater than 0 return a 1 for 


and a 0 if it is 0.

effectively this means that the fixed price is 0 if the qty is 0 rather than the current which sets the fixed price despite qty being 0.

Of course - I am not sure - but archetype changes like this might affect past finalized transactions - if it recalculates the value on the fly so perhaps it cant be changed.




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Re: Change to Line Item calculation -

Sorry that is incorrect...

it would be 

math:roundAmount(compare(0,/quantity)*/fixedAmount - /details/discount + /quantity * /unitAmount)
OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Change to Line Item calculation -

Can you stick this in a JIRA please?



Re: Change to Line Item calculation -

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au
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