Client turnover and reminders


I was wondering if anyone knows of existing reports for that supply the following data.

Client turnover - a report that lists all the clients which have not
had an invoice in the past 18 months.

% clients responding to reminders - a report which lists clients which have
been sent a reminder and if they have/have not had an invoice on their
account within a desired timeframe, for example 3 months.

Many thanks in advance if anyone could assist.


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Re: Client turnover and reminders

Hi Oliver,

I haven't seen a report to detail client turnover.  It could definitely be written though if someone wanted to specifiy how it woudl look and operat enad sponsor its development.

The Reminder Statsitics report is on the drawing board and in fact I am part the way through developing one.  It doesn't use invoice information but instead uses information recorded in the reminders including reminder count (no of reminder sent), when completed etc.  This can be used to develop a very accurate report of reminder effectiveness.  

I would be intersted to know how people would like to have this formatted. i.e   rows for each reminder type, and columns indicating numbers and % for 1st, 2nd, 3rd , subsequent reminder counts.  Criteria would allow stipulating reminder due date range and reminder type. ??



Re: Client turnover and reminders


Given no responses on the preferred operation and format of the reminder statistics report I have created one anyway and you can find it here

Look forward to your comments.  :-)



Re: Client turnover and reminders

A great report to have.
Thanks again


On 27/02/2011, at 12:01 PM, wrote:

> Hi,
> Given no responses on the preferred operation and format of the reminder
> statistics report I have created one anyway and you can find it here
> Look forward to your comments. :-)
> Cheers
> Tony
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