Clinician Reports

I posted this a while ago but got no replies - does no one know??





Can someone please clarify for me what each clinician report :

Clinician Sales Report

Clinician Sales Analysis

Clinician Sales by Product Type

puts out as they all seem to produce different results over the same time period for totals and individual clinicians. Is this due to the use of Clinician fields in so many different places?





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Re: Clinician Reports

Hi Nick,

I suspect that it is more to do with differences in the query used in each report. It could for instance be that one is using the 'end date' (ie. only until the start of the end date) and another using the 'end date' plus X hours so it includes the whole 24 hours of the 'end date'.

It also depends on exactly which reports you are comparing- we probably all call them something different. Are they ones downloaded from shared resources? If so post a link to each one. Or are they from the release? Or are they custom reports?

That probably hasn't answered you questions but hopefully will help you get an answer.


Matt Y.

Re: Clinician Reports

Hi Nick,

It could also be that there is an error in the SQL if it one of mine. Particularly if I wrote it a long time ago blush

Do need the specific docs to be sure as Matt Y says.


Sorry for late response, only checking forums intermittently at the moment.

Re: Clinician Reports

Thank for your reply Matt(s)

Clinician sales report initially came installed with v1.3

Practice Clinician Sales Analysis and Clinician Product Type Sales Analysis are from Shared resources


Re: Clinician Reports

Hi Nick,

I have looked at the 3 SQls for the reports and made some adjustments. Some weren't using the correct total expression and there was the date variation Matt Y alluded too but even after those mods I couldn't get them to agree.


They are doing 3 slightly different things though (Tony can probably speak to this better then I).


Clinician sales report - Is after tax totals.

Practice Clinician Sales Analysis  - Is pre tax and uses act.customerAccountCharges

Clinician Product Type Sales Analysis - Is pre tax and uses act.customerAccountInvoiceItem

The different acts and their joins would take me too long to work through sorry. Maybe Tony can speak to this (have included the SQLs for easy reference in an attached word doc).


Matt C

Clinician Sales Report.doc 33.5 KB

Re: Clinician Reports

Hi Matt and Nick,

Heres my initial analysis.

Clinician Sales report

Transaction item report so based on clinician assigned to individual invoice, credit or counter sale items not clinician assigned to transaction. Ex Tax report. Current SQL will not display total for items without an assigned clinician. Correct date expression to be inclusive of items within the full date range.

Practice Clinician Sales Report

Transaction report so based on clinician assigned to invoice, credit or counter sale not the individual items.  Ex Tax as above.  Does show totals for transactions without an assigned clinician. Correct date expression as above.

Clinician product Type Sales report

Transaction item report except doesn't include credit items.  Tax inclusive report. Will correctly display unassigned clinician and product type.  Date expression incorrect (not inclusive of whole last day).

So essentially the only two you should be able to accurately compare is the Clinician sales and Clinician product Type sales reports as they both deal with item dates and clinicians.  To get an accurate comparison the Clinician sales needs to have the SQL modified to include unassigned items.  The Clinician product Sales needs to be modified to be tax ex, include credit items and use the correct end date expression.

Hopefully this helps.




Re: Clinician Reports

Hi Guys,

I have fixed the Clinician sales report to include items without clinicians. 

I have also fixed Clinician product Type sales report to be tax exclusive, use correct date range logic, account for no clinician as above, remove finally summary figure which was a doubled up as totals already shown in All Clinicians total and finally ordered so Totals come out as last page rather than in middle of report. 

I have tested these reports against multiple databases and so far the figures correlate. 

Will load them into shared resources soon so you can download and test further.  :-)



Re: Clinician Reports

This might be a bit confusing but this post is actually from Matt Costa. He replied via the mailing list but the connection with the forum is playing up at present, so it was missed:

Hi guys,
I should note the SQLs that were in that word doc are not the same as what is in the downloaded resources. I had made some adjustments to date and added the conditional total.

Re: Clinician Reports

Thanks Tony,

Makes more sense now.

Cheers, Nick

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