Company Name and ABN on Invoices

It has beaten me  how to get the Practice name and  ABN  to print on invoices , receipts etc ,  I have looked up reports  in OpenVPMS  files  but I am unable to  work out the html document to work out  how it is inserted. 

Is there somewhere when setting up that I should have  put this information in  so it is inserted into the documents? 

I am good with ODF files to edit but  not the others  which  must require  more  complicated fields.

Can anyone point me in right direction on this one ?


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Re: Company Name and ABN on Invoices

Try this attachment - it will fill in practice details from OV setup. Save to your hard drive somewhere.

In iReport, open the invoice a4 practice name.jrxml. Click on the ABN box three times, then back space out the 00 000 000 000 and insert your own numbers. Then File | Save and "send" to OV (do you know how to upload reports/files to OV?).  This jrxml requires that invoiceitems.jrxml be the matching file in "Invoice Items".


Let me know how it goes.


invoice a4 practice name.jrxml 17.08 KB

Re: Company Name and ABN on Invoices

Thanks Yuri,   I  have  not  used the  attachment  above  you recommended  but will do so  when I have time to  make further changes.  I have managed to  use invoice letterhead A4 file  and put address and ABN on that  successfully and  also on receipt file  so at least I have invoices and receipts with the  practice and ABN details.  I  notice on your attachment  it  has a field for  Practice Name etc  and I can see the sense  for having that.

My trouble  ,  as well as crashed computer and loss of data etc,  was that I had not  installed Jasper  application properly  and therefore was unable to  edit  the jrmxl files  but  I reinstalled  iReport1.36 ? and  now can see how it works.  Each step  takes me a bit closer to understanding how to use the software.

And yes   I think ABN  and space for Company details  somewhere in practice details would be a good move.

Thanks again, Harry

H Wever

Re: Company Name and ABN on Invoices

Now attached are Estimate .jrxml files: on the form I've changed "Estimation" to "Estimate" in the interests of correct English and added fields for clinic name,address, telephone number to be retrieved from OpenVPMS.  You'll need to add your own ABN in the same way as for Invoices above.

It might be an idea for developers to add an ABN field to the Clinic details to enable its ease of use across a variety of .jrxml and .odt files.


estimate a4 letterhead.jrxml 10.93 KB
estimateitems.jrxml 12.46 KB
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