Compiling/Build Errors

I have been perusing the source for a while now, and a coupld of errors hav bugged me that I am sure is in my configuration but I would like to resolve if it doesnt take more that 10sec of someones time


1. In the Public Class Securityloader ( under

the "private Securitydata data" declaration throws a error that it cant find the class Securitydata, does a class declaration exist for that type or is it final.?


2.  Under it tries to add

I cant find a class declaration or package for this either.
I am assuming its an error. 

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Re: Compiling/Build Errors

These classes are generated as part of the build process by the castor-maven-plugin.

They can be generated by running:

mvn generate-sources

from the command line in the openvpms-frameworks and openvpms-reports directories.


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