Crediting Stock


When you credit a stock item to a customer should this be showing on their medical records the same as when you invoice an item?

If not would anyone feel this was an advantage to see if clients have declined prescibed meds or had a claim for food etc?


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Re: Crediting Stock

Hi Bernia,

We tend to use the Accounts section as a record for this kind of thing.


Matt C

Re: Crediting Stock

Thanks Matt,

I can see how the accounts records work.

We will look back at medical records rather than accounts to see if they have a cream or some Metacam at home rather than redispensing again so this is where we thought it would be good to see if items had been returned.


Re: Crediting Stock

Hi Bernie,

In regards to seeing an easy transaction record for credit items, I was thinking that the "Charges" tab in the Medical records section would be the ideal area for this.

So to test it I created a credit and then checked to see if it appears in the Charges tab.


It did, but there was no indication it was a credit. This could be seen as a bug of sorts as it gives the impression that such credit items are normal dispensing events.

I wonder if they should be shown as a negative value items or have a reference to being a credit item somewhow.


Matt C

Re: Crediting Stock

Maybe we need to change our "habits" when reviewing histories. At present we mainly refer to the summary tab - far left - for us it would be great to see a negative product sale here the same as you see a normal medication sale.

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