CSH Suggestion


Not sure where to put this.

For the description of "Dispensing Notes" it might be helpful to describe that these only appear in the label window. So will not pop up for medications not requiring a label.


Only because I was playing around with this hoping it would pop a window up whenever someone prescribed a certain drug (that doesn't require a label) and it doesn't appear to.



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Re: CSH Suggestion

Adrian - I have revised both http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/patient/record/edit/medica... and http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/product/medication

As you will see from the first, "Note that if it is important to you that the Dispensing Notes be displayed when the item is added to the invoice but you would not normally print a label (and hence the product's Dispensing Label option is not ticked), you should edit the product to have the Dispensing Label option ticked, but either leave it's Label Text blank, or set to say 'No label required'. "

Thank you very much for your input. Regards, Tim G

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