Cursor automatically appear in Input Parameter


The macro expansion is a great improvement, thank you.

My current issue is when adding a new document, the cursor doesn't automatically appear in the input parameter box. A lot of our vets like to use keyboard strokes and when a document that has input fields is used, they must move the cursor to the text box (it remains in the 'New Letter' box).

There is a previous post about this, but not sure if it was answered:

New Macro Issue

Submitted by EastsideVetEmerg on Sat, 10/08/2013 - 11:09

Testing testing... not sure if this is where I should post this...

When I press "Alt-M" to make a new macro I think the curser should automatically be set to type in the search box.... At the moment (for me at least) this does not occur.

This would allow me to press "Alt-M" and start typing my search without lifting my hands from the keyboard... thus quickly narrowing my search (we have lots of macros).

Thank you

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Re: Cursor automatically appear in Input Parameter


- When you search for a product from the "Edit Invoice" screen. E.g. Type "a" into product to bring up all products that start with an "a". The curser does not appear in the search box of the "Product" screen that appears. It appears the top most product is selected for scrolling through via the arrow keys. Not sure if this is deliberate or not. I often find I "loose" where the active section of the screen is at this point. I wonder if the curser should appear in the search box and then you tab through to the product list?

Re: Cursor automatically appear in Input Parameter

The Input Parameters cursor problem is a bug (OVPMS-1459) , that will be fixed in 1.7.1.

The product selection issue is deliberate; I think all selector fields (those with binoculars) behave this way. In general, if you enter some text and press enter in a selector field, or click on the binoculars button:

1. a dialog will be displayed with the results matching your text

2. the focus will move to the results table

If there are no matches, then the focus will remain in the Search field.

You can use Shift-Tab to navigate to the Search field from the results table.






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