Custom Note

Hi Everyone,


I'm very new to OpenVPMS and just got it set up and have been playing around with it for a few hours.  The main question that I have is if there is a way to set up a custom note/form within the GUI.  For example, I would like to have an "exam report card" where the clinician can select a choice (i.e. radio button) for each catergory. The selections would then populate the visit just as a note does but using the values of each selection.


Heart: ()Normal (x)Abnormal

Lungs: (x)Normal ()Abnormal


and then the visit would something like:


06/04/14 - No Reason - John Doe

Note              Heart: Abnormal

                     Lungs: Normal


I apologize if this is convered somewhere. I have tried searching but haven't come up with much. Thanks!


Edit: Also, my apologies if this belongs in the "Users" forum.  I guess this isn't necessarily an implementation question IF it can be done within the GUI.

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Re: Custom Note

The closest facility to what you describe is the Macro facility - see

Many practices use macros to pull in text which the vet/nurse then modifies. Usually the macro generates a set of headings and it is up to the user to fill in the text for each.  Below is a simple example.

Note that having used the above xcon macro to pull in the headings, there is no reason why you cannot have two other macros, say xn (which expands to 'Normal') and xa (which expands to 'Abnormal') to fill in each heading.

I suspect that the problem with a 'radio button form' is that in most cases there will be a need to add extra text.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Custom Note

Thanks, Tim.  That was my fallback and I believe it should suffice, but I just wanted to verify that the "custom note" wasn't an option.

Re: Custom Note

The other option would be a form letter, that when added to the history pops up a list of params the user / vet has to fill.  but currently radio buttons datepicker and other advanced javascript options are not supported.


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