Customer Alias

Is anyone storing spouse information for customers? We have many customers that will alternate (wife/husband) who actually brings their patient to the clinic. We're actually just testing the system now, but this seems to be a little difficult. We thought that we could just do firstName: John and Jane lastName: Smith, but it becomes a problem when the surnames are different (becoming increasingly popular). In some cases, it's not even a couple, but two individuals who care for a patient.


Thanks, Paul

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Re: Customer Alias


Is this for searching? ie. Multiple names for one customer.

What about using Customer->Identities?

At the moment there is only one Identity for customers, "Code".

If you enter the second spouse name in as a code you can find the Customer using either name. You will need to make sure you tick "Search Identities" in the customer search dialog.




PS. Why do my arrow keys not work when replying to posts in the forum?

Re: Customer Alias

Ok. Thanks. Makes sense... I was thrown off by the term "code".

Re: Customer Alias

We do this by adding both surnames in the surname field

eg. surname would be "Smith/Jones". If the Jones surname person comes in first search for "Jones" and if no result found search for "%Jones".

Most clients in this situation will say when they come in it is either under Smith or Jones anyway so can't say it's been an issue. If we can't find a client the first question we always ask is "could it be under a different surname?"

Matt Y.


ps. my arrow keys work Matt. Do they ever work?

Re: Customer Alias

Thanks Matt.

This was the first inclination of the staff, but I'm concerned about reminders. If the names get too long, (such as "Bartholomew and Persephone Featherstonehaugh/MacGhilleseatheanaich" or something) we migth run into an issue with the postcards, since there's limited real-estate.

So, my thinking was that perhaps we should treat the contact name as if it were a mailing address, and add further identity information using the identities mechanism. I was just thrown off because I didn't see anywhere to add an identity type for "spouse", "partner", or "co-owner".

Thanks, Paul

p.s. My arrow keys are working here in Chrome.

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