Customer Orders - development

Hi guys,

We are new to the customer orders tab (have had CubeX for only a couple of months now), but the system isn't working brilliantly for us and a lot of things are getting stuck and missing in this system.

I am wondering how hard it would be to make the orders automatically push into the invoice. I think other systems have it so they push into the invoice and the staff member 'unticks' or removes the item, rather than having to 'invoice items' each time.

We are trying to train our staff to use OpenVPMS before going to the CubeX, but even though we are reminding staff constantly, it is still a big issue for us.

As an emergency center and often needing medications quickly it would be really beneficial for the system to work both ways cleanly (ie have the drugs pushed from CubeX into OpenVPMS as easily as they are the other way) rather than having to train staff to Edit each invoice, try to figure out if the item was correct etc etc.

Sorry, I know a lot of work has gone into the Customer Orders, but it really is making our invoicing confusing.




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Re: Customer Orders - development

If you use the standard check-in/consult/check-out workflow, customer orders and returns will invoice automatically wherever possible.

Orders and returns can't invoice automatically if they are:

  • incomplete. This can happen you dispense from Cubex without using an order sent from OpenVPMS. The Customer Order will have a note:
Unknown Placer Order Number: OVERRIDE

It can also happen if a product in Cubex doesn't exist in OpenVPMS. A note will be added to the Order indicating the reason.

If OpenVPMS can't work out who or what the Customer Order is for, you need to edit it to complete the necessary information.

  • for an invoice that has been finalised and the quantity dispensed doesn't match that of the original invoice item

Returns can't invoice automatically if the original pharmacy order didn't come from  OpenVPMS. You need to create a Credit for this case. There is an  Invoice credit items project to improve this. 

The main thing is to first determine what is preventing orders from being automatically invoiced. Is it a workflow issue, or a configuration issue, or a combination of the two?


Re: Customer Orders - development

Hi Greta,

I will email you off forums as it sounds like a workflow issues. We had to be very strict with staff using the Check in/Consult/Check-Out workflow to make things work well for us...



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