Customer Sales Report by Location


I'm wondering if there is a Customer Sales Report by Location? We currently use this report monthly for sales total, but it doesn't differentiate between the clinics.

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Re: Customer Sales Report by Location

Greta: you could use the Practice Summary - one of its subreports does this.

Our suite is as follows:

The top highlighted one is our customised version of the Practice Summary subreport (it ignores location ZZ Test and combines all the Creature Comforts locations into one).

The next two may suit you - note that the names start RPT indicating that these are my reports, not standard ones. Tell me which you want and I will make them available through the resource library.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Customer Sales Report by Location

Hi Tim,


Sales by location-product-customer would be great if it gives an option to untick detail.

Sales by location-clinician would also be great, but not desperately needed

If Practice Summary Sub-report is both, then that would be great too.

Essentially, I would take whatever you are happy to share in the resource library.



Re: Customer Sales Report by Location


a) see - I have added the 1.9 version

b) the Practice Summary report is a standard report - if you just want the income data, run it as follows:

You will get two subreports: income by clinician and income by location

Regards, Tim G

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