Deceased Patient Report

Has V1.4 changed something that affects this report?
Since going to 1.4 it no longer lists recently deceased patients.

This appears to be because it is now making the patient inactive as well as deceased whereas previously it would only update the deceased/deceased date boxes.

Is this intentional and if so can the report be updated.



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Deceased Patient Report

Hi Nick,

Yes, think your diagnosis is spot on  :-) 

I have attached a modified report to load up and try.  Can you report back if it has fixed the issue and then we can load to Shared Resources area for everyone to access.



patient deceased report v1.4.jrxml 13.37 KB

Patient Deceased Report

Thanks Tony,


I have compared this to product sales report & seems to work ok except does not bring up a patient euthanased today even though the account is paid and the patient is listed as deceased and the report includes todays date.


Had a quick look at the other reports you have uploaded and they look great on initial preview





Deceased Patient Report

Hi Nick,

Ahh yes.  Due to end date being used without adding any time component.

Have attached anew report that should fix this.



patient deceased report v1.4 v2.jrxml 13.41 KB



Fixed, Thanks

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