default Po up window size

Is there a way to permanently change a po up window size? It seems silly to have to scoll around when if it was just a couple of centimeters bigger in the first place it would all be there.

Grange Vet Clinic

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default Po up window size

Hi Philip,

OpenVPMS doesn't keep track of last used sizes on a per user or per workstation basis.  It needs to do some calculations each time a user connects to the server to take into account different screen resolutions etc.

The stylesheet can be modified to set the default width and height of dialogues though but this would need to be updated locally and maintained when new updates are installed.  Is it the width or the height or both that is an issue ?

We may also be able to adjust stylesheet to tighten the fields up so uses less space vertically and horizontally.  Some of these changes can be made in the project if people agree..



default Po up window size

This is a problem that was there in version 1.4 but is worse in version 1.5. It is mainly the height for me that is the problem. The items that are usually off to the right are not frequently used.

A way of managing this to reduce mouse clicks/scroll wheel is what is desired.


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