Deleting cancelled orders

I have had a few orders made in error as we learn the system, but despite them being given a 'cancelled' status, they still appear in the orders list. It would be nice to make them go away, but I don't seem to be able to find a way. Also, they still come up when I call up a new delivery from the same supplier... They can be ignored, but they really clutter up the system - anyone know how to get rid of these?



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Access to editing products without administrator rights?

I have a new receptionist starting next week and would like her to be able to add and edit products, but would want to limit ability to delete transactions etc. - so I do not want to give her profile an administrator role, but can't seem to see how else editing of products can happen - is there any way to give very specific editing capabilities? Editing the 'roles' authorities doesn't seem to offer editing, only create/delete and even enabling this doesn't seem to bring up the 'edit' button on this profile. Any suggestions?



Re: Access to editing products without administrator rights?

We have been tinkering with roles and authorities to fine tune who does what, but haven't quite got it just right yet, so I can't offer advice, but will eagerly be watching this space.  We have recently adopted a couple of volunteers 1 day per week for a 2 year period, similarly we want them to do some computer work, yet prevent any mishaps while they are learning.  The problems are nearly always just after I hear "I've got it now. I know what to do. I'll be right by myself."



Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @

Re: Access to editing products without administrator rights?

Daryl - I realised that I did not spcifically address your post above.

The bit about the Logistics role below should answer most of the above.

Note however, that "want to limit ability to delete transactions etc" - in general you don't have to worry about this.  In OpenVPMS it is functionally impossible to 'delete transactions' - for two reasons:

a) even if there is a delete button, it generally will not allow you to delete the item because it is linked to other things [eg if you create a product, you will then be able to immediately delete it.  However, once that product is part of an invoice, you will not be able to delete the product, only to deactivate it.]

b) for things like invoices and orders that get finalised - once they are finalised you cannot delete them

Regards, Tim G

Re: Deleting cancelled orders

Unfortunately the current status with regard to roles and authorities is - that while saving, creating and deleting items or archetypes  CAN be limited by user roles, access to certain menus including the product menu requires the administration user type.  

There are a couple of projects available which will significantly enhance security in OpenVPMS as well as user roles. 

If you need or want these features - consider championing them or donating to the development costs!

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Deleting cancelled orders

Daryl - first the 'disappear the order' problem.  I had a quick look at your system.  I think that the orders in question are the VetServ ones (which had order status Cancelled, Delivery Status Pending).  I 'fixed' the older one by setting the Qty Cancelled for each line item to the Qty Ordered - this then changed the Delivery status to Full and the order "disappeared" - at least I think so.  I leave it to you to do the 17/10 one.

Editing products. If you look at the Roles in your system, you will find a Logistics role.

If you give this to the person who needs to be able to do logistics things, AND you make them Category=Administrator [NOT Role=Administrator] then they will be able to do the logistics stuff.  Specifically the Logistics role gives:

Note that this role alone is not enough - as per you must also set the user as having Category Administrator so that they get the Edit, Delete, Copy, Export & Import buttons on the Product|Information screen.


For others reading this a looking in vain for a Logistics role in their system, please speak up.  I have a document which lays out how we handle roles in our system.  [Daryl's has this because I installed his system cloning the role setup from ours.]

Tim A - I had an exchange with Tony some time ago on this - perhaps we should consider adjusting how the system is set up if you build from the install package.

Regards, Tim G

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