Determining number of active clients for a period

Does one of the reports allow users to determine the number of active clients for a particular time period ? An active client is defined as a client who has spent money during a given period.

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Determining number of active

That is something I would like too


Amanda Hulands-Nave Bellarine Veterinary Practice

Active client report

This report is available at

Any modifications required please report them to this topic.


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Matt Costa


Annual totals

I take it that annual totals for Number of Active Clients are calculated differently to most vet software. Am I correct that Open VPMS, when asked for 12m figures, calculates monthly numbers then adds the 12 months together, thus some clients may be counted more than once in 12m. This would overestimate slightly relative to most common vet software reports.

Is it possible to do a true 12m total for number of active clients, with no clients counted twice or more ?

Active client yearly report

Hi Jim,

I thought I had posted this but I might have forgotten. I have created a yearly total report for Clinician activity here


Matt C

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