Document Template list at check-in


I have attached a copy of page 1 and page 10 of the list of templates we have to select from during the check-in process.

I've had feedback from staff that the majority of admission forms are at the top of page 1, but for some reason the dental admission forms are on page 10. I've had a look at the setup and they seem to be setup up identically, they are all patient forms. I know they can type 'adm' and get the list but the less key strokes we have to use the better. Can anyone give me a hint why they are not listed together in this list?


PS: I tried to attach the copies but received message that the disk quota of 1mb had been reached. As a result no attachments are present.

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Document Template list at check-in

Sandra @ Bellarine


Can anyone shed any light on my question above?


Document Template list at

Hi Sandra,

I would say that the initial displayed list is not being ordered by name so its order i smost likely by id which means ones created later will display further down list.  To check this click the column heading "name" and see what happens ?

Easy to fix so initially sorts by name if this is actually the issue.




Document Template list at

Hi Sandra,

my forms are sorted alphabetically according to the document name. (there's an arrow on the table indicating how they are sorted)

Have you tried again to attach a screenshot? It seemed to work OK for me.

Matt Y.

Document Template list at

Sandra @ Bellarine


I just tried to attach the screenshot again and it said it waw over the quote of 1MB, I looked at the properties of the document I was trying to attach and it said it was  175KB.

I did what you suggested and clicked on the document name and then the forms appeared in alphabetical order for that check-in.  I then did a second check-in and they were back to the old order.  Does this mean we need to click on the NAME heading each  time to sort them in alphabetical order or should they remain that way.


Document Template list at

Yes. There is no default ordering on the templates so you need to click on the Name heading each time.

I've added a JIRA to improve this:


Document Template list at

This is now fixed and will be available in the 1.4 release.



Document Template list at check-in

Sandra @ Bellarine

Hi Matt,

Testing to see if I an upload the document now with changes.


Form list at check in Feb 2010 sf.doc 175 KB
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