Dropbox Versions WAR's missing folder structure ?

I was running throught the update process to familiarize myself and when using the WAR's located on Dropbox I found they didnt seem to contain the full webapp folder structure.

specifically under


it should have a ORG folder and then a stack or resources below that? atleast comparing to the 1.6 release zip it does.

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Re: Dropbox Versions WAR's missing folder structure ?

The openvpms.war structure has changed between 1.6 and 1.7.

In 1.6:

  • classes were all located in the WEB-INF/classes/org/... directory.
  • messages.properties was located in WEB-INF/classes/org/openvpms/web/resource/localisation
  • stylesheets were located in WEB-INF/classes/org/openvpms/web/resource/style

In 1.7:

  • classes have been packaged into their own jars and are now located in WEB-INF/classes/lib e.g. openvpms-web-echo-1.7-beta-2.jar,  openvpms-web-resource-1.7-beta-2.jar, openvpms-web-component-1.7-beta-2.jar, openvpms-web-workspaces-1.7-beta-2.jar
  • messages.properties has been moved to WEB-INF/classes/localisation
  • stylesheets have been moved to WEB-INF/classes/style



Re: Dropbox Versions WAR's missing folder structure ?

Oh well, that makes customized images a bit harder.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: Dropbox Versions WAR's missing folder structure ?

Should be much the same I think.

If you want to add your logo, mylogo.gif in the WEB-INF/images directory, then create a site.stylesheet in WEB-INF/classes/style and add:


    <style name="logo" type="nextapp.echo2.app.Label">
            <property name="icon" type="nextapp.echo2.app.HttpImageReference">
                <http-image-reference url="../images/mylogo.gif"/>


Re: Dropbox Versions WAR's missing folder structure ?

Thanks for your help here Tim....Tomcat was throwing some strange errors I initially could not interpret.  Turns out they were just hibernate parameter errors. (my dev machine didnt use default ports/pass or db name)

Wierdly tomcat was not reporting them as jdbc errors rather saying it could find a echache.prop file.  Doesnt matter now thought everything is running smoothly.

I love the fact you defined a stylesheet.properties and seperated it from the actual stylesheet. Makes customization infinitely easier.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au
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