Dymo Cups and google print
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 27/05/2017 - 16:56
Has anyone got an Dymo 450 working with cups and google print on an ubuntu Server
I have installed the Dymo SDK drivers but all we are getting is "Failed to convert file to pdf"
Re: Dymo Cups and google print
Dymo - yes, google print no.
We run 3 Dymo LabelWriter DUO's and switched from an in-house Win 2012 server to an Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu 14.04. Here is my cheat-sheet for installing the Dymo printers:
## Dymo
# first install compilers etc
sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev gcc g++ make
# get sdk from http://www.dymo.com/en-US/dymo-label-sdk-and-cups-drivers-for-linux-dymo...
unzip and un pack then:
sudo make install
I then installed the printers using the cups webadmin interface on port 631 as:
You will guess from the above that we have a VPN running between the office and Amazon. However, I am confident that we could dispense with the VPN and simply use port mapping to get through the office router to the TP-Link TL-PS110U print server that we have the Dymo connected to.
We did have one problem - label rotation - they were printing upside down on our pre-printed stationary. The fix (thanks to a post by Matt) was as follows:
###label rotation Dymo
sudo lpoptions -p LABEL-PS121 -o orientation-requested=6
sudo lpoptions -p LABEL-R2 -o orientation-requested=6
sudo lpoptions -p LABEL-S2 -o orientation-requested=6
However - Google Print - I know nothing.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Dymo Cups and google print
I may need to do VPN and print server but was trying to avoid it
What VPN software / solution you using on ubuntu?
Re: Dymo Cups and google print
We use SonicWall TZ300 routers (one in each of 3 buildings). I initially played with setting up the VPN in Ubuntu (using OpenSwan and IPSEC) but could not get it to work. I found a recipe to setup a VPN to connect a SonicWall TZ300 to the Amazon VPN and after a struggle, got that to work.
Initially I assumed that we would run everything through the VPN (ie the printers, the workstations connecting to Tomcat/OpenVPMS, and the workstations talking to the document store using Samba). However, because we have two mobile vets and a couple of 'need to access from home' users, we switched to HTTPS with client authentication for Tomcat/OpenVPMS (initially using a LetsEncrypt certificate, but now Comodo because of the hassles of updating the workstation certificates every 3 months with LetsEncrypt). We changed the Samba connect to a direct one in order to allow the use of an Elastic IP address so that if/when we switch the production system from its current instance running in Zone A, to the standby instance running in Zone B, that we don't have to reconfigure all the workstations to talk to a different IP address. We 'protect' the samba connection via the Amazon firewall/security group which is set to allow access to the samba ports only from the 3 office's IP addresses.
So the only thing currently using the VPN is the printers. We have had one incident where we lost printing to all the Build 1 printers - this turned out to be due to the VPN tunnel from the Office 1 router dropping out. If the 'lost tunnel' problem becomes more common, I will change the setup to use port mapping in the routers rather than the VPN.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Dymo Cups and google print
If it's a 450 it won't work through network printing. You need one of the turbo models.
I have a label writer 450 twin turbo that works fine (when rotated as Tim G has posted above) but also have a 450 and have never been able to get it to print over the network.
If my memory serves me correctly there is now a package in the repositories that installs the cups drivers for dymo printers which saves having to compile yourself (or that could be my imagination)
Re: Dymo Cups and google print
We have a 450 working on our network, although as a USB-connected device, it is attached to a workstation. That workstation shares the device through CUPS and hence the 450 is accessible from our Ubuntu servers (printing out drug labels from OVPMS) as well as from any other workstation for any other purpose. All installed with CUPS... no issues except for label margins. The only drawback is that the workstation needs to be on all the time (but then everything is!).
Kamloops, BC
Re: Dymo Cups and google print
Thanks for all the assistance guys,
Managed to get it working with google cloud print
cleared the cups connector and recreated everything again