Easy Question: How do you print the financial history for a customer?
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 20/11/2013 - 07:10
Please can someone tell me how to print the financial history for a customer who is not a debtor? I need to print a full financial history for a customer for an insurance claim. A history linked to a specific animal with charges listed would be even better.
I know that a statement can be run if the customer is a debtor, but this customer is not a debtor.
I also know that individual invoices can be printed from the "Customer Account Workspace", but I need all invoices for a specific animal printed, or at least all invoices for every animal to be printed.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Re: Easy Question: How do you print the financial history ...
Outside the forum, Cahir and I have been playing with this problem, and I have just sent him a report which to quote its explanatory text does the following:
"This report shows all sales to the specified customer/patient during the specified period.
The period is inclusive - ie sales from 00:00 on the start date through 23:59:59 on the end date.
The totals are the total of all invoices less any credits but does not include adjustments.
If you do not enter a Patient ID then sales to all the customer's patients will be displayed (and also any counter sales). Entering a Patient ID will show sales to just that patient."
If anyone is interested pls speak up. Note that the his version follows the UK VAT requirements of showing ex-VAT, VAT, and inc-VAT amounts, but I am about to clone a Hong Kong version which shows just the inc-tax amounts.
Regards, Tim G
Re: Easy Question: How do you print the financial history ...
This is probably something that should be supported from the Customer|Accounts screen. A Statement button would display a window prompting for:
Clicking OK would then generate a statement for the selected criteria.
Any reason why you are excluding adjustments?
Re: Easy Question: How do you print the financial history ...
Why excluding adjustments: I cloned this off one of the earlier reports I built (a 'product sales by customer' which obviously did not include any adjustment transactions) and I was in a hurry to get Cahir's report done. So basically the answer is that I was lazy. I may come back and fix this short coming. For the moment, for what he wants (insurance claim), it will do.
I agree with your analysis regarding a statement button on on the customer accounts screen. Having this facility would probably have removed the need for the 'customer running balance' report that I was asked to generate. [To meet the gap in the print statement facility where you cannot print a statement for an arbitary period - ie you cannot generate a statement for a period other than 'to statement date from previous opening balance transaction'.]
Regards, Tim G