Editing Patient Clinical Event Template

I have been trying to add clinic details to the patient clinical event.jrxml file for emailing. I'm finding that when I add the clinic details to the title band the detail bands disappear and only Detail 1 remains. Not sure why this is happening can anyone help me with this?

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Re: Editing Patient Clinical Event Template

At this stage please make sure you are still using Ireports to edit jrxml files, the newer JasperReports Studio is not compatible with Openvpms 1.7.2 and below.  (it is but generally causes issues)

Secondly when viewing the report in ireports if a field extends outside of a band it may not print at all.  It depends on the settings.  Unfortunately more detailed advice can only be given if you post the report you are trying to modify and the report after you modify it.  Then we can explain why the behaviour is occuring.



OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
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Re: Editing Patient Clinical Event Template

Is this what you were after?  You will need to edit to enter your practice details, though....



Re: Editing Patient Clinical Event Template

Is this what you were after?  You will need to edit to enter your practice details, though....



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