Email "Purposes Available"

We were about to send out emailed newsletters, but we have had a few clients who did not want to be sent an email newsletter, although they were happy to give us their email address. I noticed the choices at the bottom of the Client Contacts page when adding an email address - such catagories as Billing, Reminders, Correspondance, Postal etc. Is this how we can define what a client can be sent and what that can't be sent?


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Re: Email "Purposes Available"

Yep. You could create a new contact purpose, "No Spam" and assign it to email contacts. In your report, filter out all customers that have a "No Spam" contact purpose.

Alternatively, if you want an opt-in approach, create a new contact purpose "Spam", and assign it to email contacts of customers who want newsletters. Your report would then only pick up customers with email contacts with a "Spam" contact purpose.

You create contact purposes in the Administration -> Lookups workspace.


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