eml Documents

Hi everyone,

We are receiving patient histories from our referring vets with .eml attachments. We are able to open these attachments on our computers that have Windows 7 or Windows 8, but are unable to open them on most of the computers here (we run Windows Server 2008).

I am wondering if anyone can advise me what to download to our server so the vets can open the documents in OpenVPMS on the computers that run Windows 2008.





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Re: eml Documents

Personally I would discuss the issue with the referring vets...EML files are an EMAIL file...they are attaching emails to emails....what do you read them with I assume you use Gmail or a webmail program?

My bet is the referring vet writes an email and forwards it to a receptionist who attachs it and sends it on.

Its just bad.



Its once again microsoft being microsoft and doing something to make everyones lives more difficult...


Tell the referring vets to either 

1.  Write a word doc and attach that. 

2.  Write a word doc save it as pdf and send that. 

3.  Send the history as an INLINE email.

4. Stop using Outlook Express as an email client...its terrible anyway. (Just kidding -)




OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: eml Documents

Greta - I don't know about Win 2008 server (we jumped from Win 2003 to Win 2012R2). I had basically the same problem - in our case we use a tool called email-relay to log all outgoing email - and this saves the stuff in eml format so I needed to solve the same problem.

There is a product called Mail Pro+ 1.0 FREE VIEWER which has both a free and paid version - see http://www.freeviewer.org/mail-pro-plus/

However it did not suit my needs (which were to search the email archive - we use a program called WinGrep) and then to click on the matching emails and display them.

What did work wonderfully was Windows Live Mail.  I had problems installing it because I though one would install it in the usual manner - download the installer and run it.  However this did not work - and it turned out that Win Live Mail is a component of the Win 2012R2 tool set and you just ask it to be activated.

I don't know if the same applies to Win 2008 Server.

So my recommendation is that you install Win Live Mail (it is part of the Windows Live Essentials package - see http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows-live/essentials-other#essenti... ) - or if it is an optional part of Win 2008 Server, then use the Server Manager to install it.

Having installed it, you should then be able to double click on the eml file and Live Mail will fire up and show it to you.

If you have old XP machine then Outlook Express does the same job.


Regards, Tim G

Re: eml Documents

The basic issue is ...its fine to store an email in eml format.  Ready to be sent..It is not compatible to send such a file to a third party.  

Internally if you are using eml files to create an archive thats fine...but as soon as you plan to send those files as attachments outside the organization you are going to get complaints. Anyone using LINUX will tell you how painful microsoft formats are to deal with.  

We need to encourage the use of formats that are an established norm.  

PDF Files

DOC files and DOCX begrundgingly

JPG Files

Tiff Files(but to be honest the size/quality renders these files a little excessive)

ODF files

and probably others.

IF we continually accept people sending us files that fall outside the standards we create extra work, we create the possibility of being unable to read these files in the future.


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au
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