Error loading a patient
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 28/06/2015 - 16:18
on one of the patients in the data im getting the following error when i try to load them:
The following client application error has occurred:
Cannot process ServerMessage (Phase 1)
Error Name: TypeError
Error Message: librariesElement is null
Please contact your server administrator.
any ideas why?
Re: Error loading a patient
There error could indicate that one of the fields has an ASCII 0 in it.
How did you load the patient?
Re: Error loading a patient
Thats what i was thinking. You get the error if you load the customer then select the pateint attached to them. So now just need to work out what data is missing.
Is there a way to output the query used for selection? Or maybe you could direct me where the queries are generated in the source and i can add logging to it
Re: Error loading a patient
Enable p6spy:
> mvn tomcat7:run -Drelease.jdbc.driverClassName=com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver
This will log all SQL queries to a file named spy.log
Re: Error loading a patient
What would i do without u lol cheers i will give that a go and see what i can dig up thanx
Re: Error loading a patient
there are just too many sqls coming from the system, ill have to find the issue another way.