Exporting reminders

Hi all,


I have found a company that will print, fold and mail out our reminders for us.  They look amazingly professional and cost 9c per reminder, which is cheaper than the nurse time it takes to fold, stick stamps on envelopes etc. 

The only hitch is I need to be able to export the reminders in a spreadsheet.  I have gone through this:


...but can't seem to find what I am looking for.  Can someone please help?  We are currently printing each reminder at the practice.


Thank you


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Re: Exporting reminders

Reminder export support is a new feature in OpenVPMS 1.7.

For each reminder type that you want to export, you tick the Export box in Administration|Types|Reminder Types

When you do a Send All in Reporting|Reminders those reminders ticked for Export will be downloaded in a file.

See Reminder Export format for a description of the fields.


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