Failed to start OpenOffice service: failed to connect after 10 attempts - Reminder error

Hello all,

    We recently reinstalled openvpms on an Amazon Web Server instance running ubuntu.


Whenever some reminders are run, we get the following error:


Failed to start OpenOffice service: failed to connect after 10 attempts


Not sure why this is.  We can start openoffice from the command line using "soffice".  However, of course it does not display as we have no x-server.

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Re: Failed to start OpenOffice service: failed to connect ...

Cahir - I perhaps should not have responded because I do not have experience running OpenVPMS under Ubuntu.  However - When you say you can manually start soffice, are you logged on as the same user who runs Tomcat?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Failed to start OpenOffice service: failed to connect ...


Not sure that I can be of too much help as I have never run OpenVPMS on a cloud server, but I do run it on a local server under Ubuntu 14.04.  I have to admit to having a bit of trouble getting OpenOffice to play nicely at first, so took the approach of starting OpenOffice headless upon boot with a small script.  I then used a modified version of openvpms-reports.xml that Tim A. provided to prevent OpenVPMS from launching a new instance.  Anyway, that approach works great for us.

You can run soffice -help to make sure that soffice is starting up correctly and not just hanging. 

With the script and XML changes, one can troubleshoot with top to make sure that soffice is running headless in the background and netstat -a | grep '8100' to make sure that it is listening on the proper port.

Let me know if you would like copies of the startup script and the modified .xml file and I'll send them along.  I'd have to consult my notes, but think I wrote out pretty detailed instructions for the practice owners in case they needed to redo everything on their own some day.  


Kamloops, Canada



Re: Failed to start OpenOffice service: failed to connect ...

Did you see this old thread: ?

TL;DR: one of the issues was that OpenOffice did not having permissions to write to the home directory of the user running tomcat.

Re: Failed to start OpenOffice service: failed to connect ...

I experienced the same problem a while ago on a Fedora system.  It had been a while since anyone had printed through OO so I didn't know when the trouble started.

After quite some reading and fiddling and tweaking, I found a file that I had created in the $PATH with the name of soffice.  Renaming that file fixed it immediately.

Regards Simon

Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @

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